Tyler James Milliken
Associate Online Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia, PA)
Co-Host of The Already and Not-Yet Theological Podcast
Co-Host and Contributor www.gkbeale.com
Biblical and Archaeological Tours
Graduate and Post-Doctoral Studies
After completing his MDiv with emphasis in biblical exegesis (2013–2017), Dr. Milliken sustained his PhD in New Testament and Biblical Hermeneutics at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia (2017–2021). Over the years, he has continued to specialize in ancient and modern languages, with directed studies under notable scholars like Miles Van Pelt and Steven E. Runge (2016), and specialized language training at the University of Chicago (2017), U.C. Berkeley (2018), Princeton University (2019–2020), and the Cambridge University Language Program (2021–2024).
In the fall of 2022, Dr. Milliken was selected to be the annual post-doctoral research fellow for the Asia Minor Research Center (Antalya, TR), where he began his commentary work on the Johannine Epistles and helped conduct tours of the biblical and archaelogical sites of the Seven Churches of Revelation. Since that time, Dr. Milliken has continued researching and leading tours of the biblical sites in Israel and Greece, where he now serves as a visiting professor for the Greek Bible College of Athens.
New Testament Scholarship and Global Research
After teaching Greek exegesis residentially as a Teaching Fellow for Westminster Theological Seminary (2019–2021), Tyler James Milliken now serves in the Westminster Online Learning Department as Associate Instructor of New Testament and Biblical Theology (2021–Present).
His forthcoming dissertation monograph examines the use of the OT in the book of Revelation, titled Prophetic Reversals in Revelation: Ironic and Inverted Uses of the Old Testament in John's Apocalypse (Wipf and Stock 2024). He is also authoring or co-authoring four volumes in the Lexham Research Commentary series (James, 1–3 John, and Revelation), and contributing to the upcoming CSB study bible on the New Testament use of the Old Testament, edited by G. K. Beale and Benjamin L. Gladd (B&H 2025).
Other forthcoming projects include co-authoring a popular-level work on biblical theology with G. K. Beale, tentatively titled We Resemble What We Revere (IVP 2026), and co-authoring the newly revised chapter on the book of Revelation for the second edition of the Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament (Baker Academic 2027).
Following his Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Asia Minor Research Center (2022), his international research interests have included biblical and archaeological tours in Greece, Israel, and biblical Turkey, and training missionaries, students, and lay teachers around the world. Over the years, Dr. Milliken has helped mentor and equip ministers serving in numerous regions, including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, China, India, Uganda, Malawi, New Zealand, England, Canada, the United States, Belgium, the Netherlands, Turkey, Greece, and the Philippines.
In 2024, Dr. Milliken began his first class as a visiting professor to the Greek Bible College, presenting the annual lectures on Biblical Theology for Greek and international students.
Contact and Requests
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